
calcofi_cruise Source: CalCOFI

The California Cooperative Oceanic Fisheries Investigations (CalCOFI) is an organization that focuses on studying the marine environment surrounding the California coast in order to investigate the relationships between climate, fish population, and other human activities.

Our project initially focused on two separate datasets:

Fish Larvae Catch Data

This data was collected from CalCOFI cruises and was used to measure quantities and catch amounts of 6 different fish species.

# rename columns to non-scientific names for readability
larval = larval_df.rename(columns={'Engraulis.mordax':'Anchovy, Northern','Trachurus.symmetricus':'Mackerel, Jack', 'Scomber.japonicus':'Mackerel, Pacific','Lampridiformes1':'Opah','Sardinops.sagax':'Sardine','Seriola.lalandi':'Yellowtail'})

# select columns to show
cols_to_display_larval = ['longitude','latitude','year','season','Anchovy, Northern','Mackerel, Jack',
'Mackerel, Pacific','Opah','Sardine','Yellowtail']

# print head of selected columns
longitude latitude year season Anchovy, Northern Mackerel, Jack Mackerel, Pacific Opah Sardine Yellowtail
0 -120.776667 35.086667 2019 spring 0.000000 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
1 -120.915000 35.021667 2019 spring 0.000000 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
2 -121.196667 34.890000 2019 spring 36.666667 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
3 -121.551667 34.720000 2019 spring 40.720000 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
4 -122.245000 34.390000 2019 spring 4.850000 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
5 -122.958333 34.048333 2019 spring 4.340000 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
6 -120.495000 34.465000 2019 spring 0.000000 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
7 -120.528333 34.453333 2019 spring 4.170000 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
8 -120.790000 34.328333 2019 spring 1801.358491 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
9 -121.153333 34.150000 2019 spring 351.909091 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

The larvae catch dataset contains information on time (year),location (latitude/longitude), and the amount (pounds) of larvae found. It is sorted by species type.

The dataset is very sparse, since the majority of cruises caught zero pounds of a given larvae species. Scroll through and see just how many types of fish there are, and how few are caught per cruise!

Commercial Fish Data

This data was collected from various California fisheries and was used to supplement the fish catch data by providing additional information on amounts of fish caught.

# remove NAs from fishery data
cleaned_fishery = fishery_updated.dropna(how='any')
cleaned_fishery = cleaned_fishery[cleaned_fishery['Total Price'] != ' ']

# print data
Year Quarter GroupBlocks Species ID Species Name Pounds Total Price
0 1987 Qtr 1 1032.0 40.0 Yellowtail 256.0 $272
3 1987 Qtr 2 1032.0 40.0 Yellowtail 1710.0 $1,511
5 1987 Qtr 2 1034.0 40.0 Yellowtail 1417.0 $1,177
6 1987 Qtr 2 1035.0 40.0 Yellowtail 6457.0 $6,267
8 1987 Qtr 2 600.0 40.0 Yellowtail 3071.0 $2,644
9 1987 Qtr 2 700.0 40.0 Yellowtail 2622.0 $2,549
10 1987 Qtr 2 800.0 40.0 Yellowtail 2815.0 $2,704
11 1987 Qtr 3 1032.0 40.0 Yellowtail 7335.0 $8,019
13 1987 Qtr 3 1034.0 40.0 Yellowtail 3645.0 $3,127
14 1987 Qtr 3 1035.0 40.0 Yellowtail 4458.0 $4,397

The commercial fishery dataset contains information on time (year/month), location (latitude/longitude), amount of fish caught (pounds), and price-per-pound (dollars) of each fish in every given catch year.

Due to data privacy rules, some of the information relating to price-per-pound and pounds caught are redacted.

In the beginning, we explored these two datasets with the intention of finding a relationship between the amount of fish larvae detected and the amount of adult fish caught. Over time, our workflow and goal became more developed, leading us to incorporate a third dataset into our project:

Bottle and Cast Data

This dataset was used to incorporate additional environmental factors with our larvae and commercial fish data.

# rename columns for readability
bottle_preview = bottle.rename(
        'Cst_Cnt':'Cast Count',
        'Ocean degC':'Water Temperature (C)',
        'Salnty':'Water Salinity'}

# select columns to keep
bottle_preview[['Year','Cast Count','Water Temperature (C)','Water Salinity']].head(10)
Year Cast Count Water Temperature (C) Water Salinity
0 1949 462.984846 9.008097 33.875273
1 1950 1481.434568 8.670928 33.884616
2 1951 2938.570895 8.544260 33.874098
3 1952 4422.839220 9.408110 33.753253
4 1953 5845.616774 9.794919 33.796447
5 1954 6875.716300 9.762641 33.773640
6 1955 7645.020691 9.516349 33.854505
7 1956 8329.149738 9.246048 33.844304
8 1957 9043.949093 10.520039 33.798667
9 1958 9883.231321 10.693563 33.767853

The bottle and cast data contains information on cast counts, water temperature (celcius) during a given cast, and water salinity (salinity scale).

Cast refers to information about the cruise itself, while bottle refers to information regarding the water quality, such as temperature and salinity.

After incorporating the bottle and cast dataset, our project’s goal shifted from establishing whether any correlations can be drawn from the fish larvae and fish catch to investigating any environmental factors that may add variance to the relationship as well. Additionally, it helped us focus on one species in particular: the Pacific Sardine.

The Shift Towards Sardine

# clean and process landing data (time series version)
fish_count_ts_df = landing_summary_ts.filter(['Year','SpeciesName'],axis=1)

# create separate dataframes for each species
# groupby year, find counts per year, and rename columns
mjack_ts = fish_count_ts_df[fish_count_ts_df['SpeciesName']=='Mackerel, jack'].groupby('Year').count().reset_index().rename(columns={'SpeciesName':'Count'})
anchovy_ts = fish_count_ts_df[fish_count_ts_df['SpeciesName']=='Anchovy, northern             '].groupby('Year').count().reset_index().rename(columns={'SpeciesName':'Count'})
mpacific_ts = fish_count_ts_df[fish_count_ts_df['SpeciesName']=='Mackerel, Pacific'].groupby('Year').count().reset_index().rename(columns={'SpeciesName':'Count'})
yellowtail_ts = fish_count_ts_df[fish_count_ts_df['SpeciesName']=='Yellowtail'].groupby('Year').count().reset_index().rename(columns={'SpeciesName':'Count'})
opah_ts = fish_count_ts_df[fish_count_ts_df['SpeciesName']=='Opah'].groupby('Year').count().reset_index().rename(columns={'SpeciesName':'Count'})
sardine_ts2 = fish_count_ts_df[fish_count_ts_df['SpeciesName']=='Sardine, Pacific              '].groupby('Year').count().reset_index().rename(columns={'SpeciesName':'Count'})

# label each dataframe based on species type
mjack_ts['Species'] = 'Mackerel Jack'
anchovy_ts['Species'] = 'Anchovy'
mpacific_ts['Species'] = 'Mackerel Pacific'
yellowtail_ts['Species'] = 'Yellowtail'
opah_ts['Species'] = 'Opah'
sardine_ts2['Species'] = 'Sardine'

# combine dataframes
species_ts = pd.concat([mjack_ts,anchovy_ts,mpacific_ts,yellowtail_ts,opah_ts,sardine_ts2],ignore_index=True)

# pivot combined dataframe
species_total_ts = species_ts.pivot(
    index = 'Year',
    columns = 'Species',
    values = 'Count'

# impute missing values in Opah column with means
species_total_ts_final = species_total_ts.fillna(round(species_total_ts.Opah.mean(),1))

# construct line plot
# add custom colors to grey out all species except sardine
fig_species_total = px.line(
    y = ['Sardine','Anchovy','Mackerel Jack','Mackerel Pacific', 'Opah', 'Yellowtail'],
    color_discrete_sequence= ['blue','gray','gray','gray','gray','gray'],
    labels = {'value':'Abundance (thousands)'},
    title = 'Abundance By Year (All Species)'

# add annotations to specified points on the lines
        {'x':8,'y':360,'text':'Mackerel Jack'},
        {'x':12,'y':438,'text':'Mackerel Pacific'},